It has been quite a while … I hope you have been keeping well in your corner of the world. Although things have been relatively quiet blogpost wise at The Wellspring Place, I assure you a lot has been going on behind the scenes; to stretch and grow my faith.
A friend recently shared on her social media platform, a page from the DNA desired not abandoned journal. It was a piece I had written on Storms not being the- defining- you moments, rather they are revealing- what- is inside- you- encounters. Over the last few months, I have realised even much more, that I don’t like storms or the disturbance that comes with storms.
I am speaking particularly of life storms here. I don’t like storms because they reveal to me that I don’t trust and rely on God as much as I think I do. I forget what He has said to me and I tend to meditate (worry) about the issues rather than meditate on His word. It reveals to me that I am not actively thanking God for His many blessings. In short, storms reveal how much I need God and how I need to be reminded of His goodness. And that like those disciples in the boat with Jesus, when they got caught in a storm – that Jesus is with me in the storm- He cares, He never left!
Storms have ability to hear. Most importantly they possess the ability to hear the Voice of God. That voice is entrenched in what He has said or is saying to us. One keyway of recalling what God has said to you, is by journalling those words. This allows you to read and hold onto those promises in stormy seasons.
In July ( drum rolls and praise dance please😊 ), I published a new journal; the Write Read Run Prophetic Journal based on Habakkuk 2:2. The journal was created to help you record, review, and pursue the prophetic words you have received. Whereas you may have the words written in several journals, Write Read Run Prophetic Journal helps you to have one dedicated journal for all of those words. The title and index pages enable you track a particular word quickly and efficiently instead of combing through several pages.
The journal is available on Amazon, and I encourage you to check it out here.
Another friend likens the ability to record prophetic words as a prophetic positioning system (PPS). They help to guide in life’s journey. Often, those same God given words or promises are the very words that storms appear to test. Journaling helps us to recall God’s faithfulness at other times while we trust Him despite the storms. Storm or no storm, we need to write, read and run on what God has said to us.
Today, I want to keep it short. I look forward to being back to share some recent teachings by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God.
Until then, thank you for reading.
Emi x
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