Photo by Phong Duong on Unsplash
One Tuesday evening 9 months ago, as I got ready to have bedtime prayers with my children, I heard the Lord say, “What I feed you, feed your children”. Hmmmm? Ok, I thought.
I took my Bible upstairs to share with them the story of the burning bush, the staff in Moses’ hand and the message he received from God. God has been feeding me over that week from the story of Moses. I got to their room, told the children to settle down as it was time to read the Bible.
My 7-year-old son hurries to the bookshelf, pulls out a book, holds it to himself and said “let us read this one”. I firmly cut him off, “No”, I said, “I already have what we are reading tonight”. “Awwwwnnn “he said disappointedly, his little shoulders sagging (because sometimes, they chose the bible story).
I felt bad at how I shut him down, so I said, “let me see the book you’ve got”. He held the book to himself with his arms crossed over it and I could not tell which book it was. When he finally turned the front cover around, my mouth dropped open. “Let my people go” the title across the single-story book proclaimed.
“Wow”, I said after a few moments, “that’s the story I was planning to tell you about”! My son grinned, his gap-toothed smile filling his face! God had clearly spoken! Of all the books he could have pulled out. Normally he would just grab his children’s bible, never a stand-alone bible story book of which I only had 2 in the house.
My takeaways which from that night which I’d like to share with you – feed your children what God is feeding you. Ask Him to help you break it down to their level. If God is teaching you about overwhelm, feed them that, if forgiveness, then feed them that, if it’s growth, feed them growth. Whatever it is, feed it to them.
We eat in the direction of our vision. Chickens peck the ground and as birds they can only flutter so much above the ground! Eagles on the other hands are birds of dizzying heights, you do not see them pecking about on the ground. We feed in the direction of our vision. Feed them, what God feeds you. Feed your children the way you want them to grow and go.
When they are old, they will not depart from it!
Thanks for reading x
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