“You just have to slay the dragon in your own mind.” Those words stopped me short of reading further at that moment. I had been reading an online Vogue article by Funmi Fetto titled an “An Evening With Michelle Obama And Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie”. In December 2018 the former First Lady was in London to discuss her bestselling memoir, Becoming, at an exclusive event in conversation with Chimamanda, an award-winning novelist.
Those words uttered by Michelle Obama, got me thinking of how it’s so true that just, as much as we slay the dragons on the outside, we have to slay the dragons in our own mind. I pondered on how the words “slay the dragon” reminded me of another great book recently published by ’Detola Amure a friend and a lady who is qualified to say much on the subject. Slay Doubt! How to recognise and confidently manifest God’s calling on your life. This is a book I believe, could not have come out at a better time.
Who among us hasn’t felt the challenge of trying to overcome the voices that seek to stop us on the way to becoming all that God has designed us to be? If there’s one thing I am sure of, it’s the fact that there are doubts, left, right and centre, to be slain if you are to be all that you are gifted to be. Oh, there’s no doubt about it (no pun intended) you are gifted! God has not made anyone without a gift(s), whether they know it or use the gift as He intended is another matter.
How do you recognise your gifting? Or to put it in another way, God’s calling on your life? Are there seasons of life that impact on us manifesting that gift? How do we navigate all these external challenges while dealing with internal struggles which no one sees? Practical issues of balancing the needs of your family while still needing to invest in yourself. Invest in myself? I hear you wonder; I don’t even know what that looks like, buried under the daily grind of life!
Well, you are not alone. Slay Doubt features the stories of everyday real women, doing life God’s way and slaying doubt on the go. Often, the biggest challenges to a more fulfilling and productive future are those found in our minds. I recently read someplace that Confidence is produced in the mind.The same place doubts seek to grow, unwanted as weeds. No wonder the Bible encourages us in Romans 12:2 to renew our minds. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
To be transformed by the renewing of our mind. That transformation occurs as we silence doubts by the power of His Word and go in the strength that we have.
I don’t know about you, but I have dreams, big dreams that scare me, in the sense that I have no idea how they will come to pass. Like Mary, when told that she will birth the Saviour of the world, wondered, “How shall this be…?” Luke 1:34 KJV. Maybe like Mary too, you also are wondering?
In the book Slay Doubt, God answers today’s Mary. Although written for women, its’ timeless truths are those that can be relied upon by anyone on the way to becoming all that God would have them be. Check out the book here. It’s an easy book to read, and each chapter seamlessly flows into the next. There are reflection questions and action steps at the end of some chapters. Grab a pen and a journal with a cup of tea – not all of us are coffee lovers 🙂 You may find you constantly need to dip into this book, it isn’t going to be a one-time read. And that’s for all the right reasons.
Without giving too much away, I am especially proud of this latest book of Detola’s. You’ll have to get the book to discover why ?. When you do, you can drop me a line, I look forward to hearing what you think.
For every daughter of God out there, be reminded that you are more than conquerors through Christ, your victory in life and eternity is assured.
Go forth and slay the doubts!
Thanks for reading.
Emi x
Hey Emi, thank you so much for this lovely review of Slay Doubt. It is and will be a continuous process as long as we are on this earth, I pick up the book from time to time when doubt tries to plague my mind.
My desire is to help as many women as possible slay the dragon of doubt in their minds!
once again thank u. Will be sharing your review.
Hello Phyllis, thank you. Yes, it would truly be a wonderful achievement if we could slay doubt fully, once and for all – but, as we are all still on the journey of becoming ( all that God designed us to be), slaying doubt will always have to be a “must use” in our arsenal. Thankful, that we are assured of Jesus’ help in doing so. I’m sure you will succeed 🙂 Thanks a lot for stopping by xx